Here is what I have since come to learn: anytime one embraces her light, the voltage is turned up. And this causes one of two reactions from those around her. They will either celebrate her light for the warmth and clarity it provides, or they will despise her light because, in its presence, they cannot deny their shadows. The latter of the two possible responses usually results in attempts – consciously or unconsciously, maliciously or innocently enough – to dim, if not eliminate, her light.
Northern Ireland Ponderings: Authentic Spaces and Transformative Places
What work could and would God do among us if we brought all of ourselves bravely to the proverbial table and, in turn, bravely welcomed others to do the same?
2024: A Year of Commitment
At the start of each year, I seek guidance from the Spirit on purposefully living into it: How am I being instructed to approach the new year?… I now know that 2024 is the year I must align all things with my sense of purpose and finish what I start, no matter how long it’s been or how long it takes. That boils down to a concept that is a huge area of growth for me – COMMITMENT.
“A healthy attitude is contagious but don’t wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.” ~Tom Stoppard
Spirituality is about filling YOUR cup.
“Give and serve from your abundance, not out of need or lack or even obligation. “
“I came to understand that I am a spirit/soul having a human experience, trying really hard to understand how to be a human being all the while being divine energy in material form. This realization created a seismic shift in my being.” – Catherin Mahlin, guest author
The missing piece: Why spirituality matters
Spirituality is the stream by which we receive nourishment from a Higher Source AND the root that keeps us grounded right here, right now, with ourselves and others.
[Continuation] Self-Care for Holiday Blues: Pt. 4 – Express Yourself!
Too many people walk around like continuously inflating balloons. They hold all of their feelings and emotions until they pop! That’s not the healthiest way to navigate life.
Rivers Shall Rise
River rise: rise from deep within me and water the dry, thirsty grounds. Rise and swell within the banks, bursting at the seams. Flow proud and strong like the force of the Mississippi and stretch long to the Delta of my soul. River rise from within me, quench my fertile soil. Rise that my bowl may be filled with the …